Registration No |
Address |
Hockey Stadium, West Stand, 1st Floor, Kalinga Stadium Complex, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751012. |
Email |
hockeyadodisha@gmail.com |
ContactNo |
Contact Person |
Office Bearers |
President: Dr Dilip Tirkey, E-mail: tirkeydk@gmail.com, Phone: +91 9437947777 Vice-President: Jeeban Mohanty. General Secretary: Sanatan Sahu, E-mail: ads.dsys@gmail.com, Phone: 94373-74017. Joint-Secretary: Lucela Ekka Treasurer: Pradipta Kumar Mohanty Executive Members: Reena Rashmi Tirkey, Gouree Panda, Ranjan Kumar Das and Bharat Sahoo.
Achievements |
Description |
* HAO is the new governing body for hockey in the State of Odisha. * Election of office-bearers and members of Executive Committee of HAO was conducted during the first Annual General Body Meeting of the new body at Kalinga Stadium, Bhubaneswar on 17 May 2022. * After the election of office-bearers, HAO secured the affiliation of Hockey India as Permanent Member. * HAO first got the affiliation of Hockey India as an Associate Member. |
Others |
Remarks |
RECORD LAST UPDATED: 20 December 2022 |
Record Last Updated : |