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  State chess body pulled up for misconduct
06 Feb 2009

ALL-India Chess Federation (AICF) on Friday asked the Orissa State Chess Association (OSCA) to show-cause as to why action would not be initiated against it on charges of miscunduct and irregularities. In an e-mail message, AICF secretary D V Sundar told OSCA secretary Radha Shyam Mishra to respond to the ‘show-cause’ notice by February 16 for placing it before the National body’s Central Council meeting to be held shortly. The show-cause notice has come as a bombshell for the top brass of the much-maligned OSCA officials, who seem desparate to cling to power in the face of strong opposition from many quarters. The notice has arrived at a time when these officials are trying to quietly pass off the annual general meeting and elections of office-bearers on February 8. The ensuing election has been reduced to a formality as candidates for almost all the posts are said to have already been elected unopposed. Two top officials elected in such a manner are senior bureaucrats, serving in other states for many years. The person, said to be the mastermind in the entire episode, is also a retired State government officer. This person has been occupying different posts to manage the operation. After retirement, he continues to occupy a government qauarter in the name of Bhubaneswar Chess Association. All these irregularities coupled with a number of complaints from the affected parties, including international players and officials of constituent bodies, have prompted the AICF to serve the ultimatum to OSCA. A report by the AICF Enquiry Committee against OSCA has added importance to the case. AICF is peeved that the State body has been refusing to abide by the National body’s guidelines for proper management of chess in Orissa. Lack of transparency and accountability in functioning as well as denial of membership to players and coaches have been the main cause of the discontentment. A legal suit related to the matter is under hearing in the Orissa High Court. AICF is concerned with the case as it has been made a party to the suit. Under the circumstances, AICF has made it clear in the notice that elections before submission of reply to the the notice could not be treated as free and fair.



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