Kerala`s E P Naushad emerged champion, securing 6.5 points from seven rounds in the National Chess Championship for the Blind, which concluded at Jagamara in Bhubaneswar today.
Naushad drew his seventh and last round duel with statemate Abdul Samat to top the table with 6.5 points. Maharashtra`s Atul Kakde beat Madan Jana (WB) to finish runner-up with six points.
Final standings (Top 10): 1. E P Naushad (Ker), 2. Atul Kakde (Mah), 3. Abdul Samat (Ker), 4. Bopan Das (WB), 5. Chinmay Mondal (WB), 6. Bagu Sruti (Mah), 7. Sankar Chakraborty (WB), 8. Sabreswar Sahu (Ori), 9. Madan Jana (WB), 10. Ganesh Kisko (WB).