Tamil Nadu’s L Saravanan beat B Mulikaram of Andhra Pradesh 6-3, 6-2 in the final to win the girls’ singles title of the All-India (under-14) Championship Series Tennis Tournament at the Union Club in Berhampur today.
In boys’ singles, Nishant Rebello (Karnataka) and Prabhu Vighnesh (Tamil Nadu) set up the summit clash, defeating L Lalridikai (WB) and KS Sandeep (AP) respectively in the semifinals.
Rebello and Vighnesh also stayed on line for a title double by setting up the doubles final against L Innocent and Rahul Singh.
Tournament director Satyabrata Sahu gave away the awards to the winner and runner-up of the girls singles event.
Boys singles: Quarterfinals: P Vighnesh (TN) bt Richie Agarwal (WB) 6-0, 6-0: KS Sandeep (AP) bt C Sisir (AP) 4-6, 7-5, 6-4: N Rebello (Kar) bt MK Chaitanya (AP) 6-2, 6-1: I Lalridikai (WB) bt Dev Fazal (UP) 6-0, 6-4.
Semifinals: N Rebello bt I Lalridikai 3-6, 7-5, 6-4: P Vighnesh bt K Sandeep 6-1, 6-1.
Boys doubles (Semifinals): N Rebello-P Vighnesh bt D Saxena-S Dhankar 6-1, 6-1: L Innocent-R Singh bt Yuvraj Bains-A poddar 6-2, 6-1.
Girls singles: Semifinals: L Saravanan (TN) bt B Mulikaram (AP) 7-5, 6-4: S Ghosh (WB) bt K Ruthsalina (AP) 6-1, 6-4.
Final: L Saravanan bt S Ghosh 6-3, 6-2.