Prabhu Vighnesh of Tamil Nadu bagged a double by winning both the singles and doubles titles in the boys` event of the All-India (under-14) Championship Series Tennis Tournament, which concluded at the Union Club in Berhampur today.
In the singles final, Vighnesh beat Nishat Rebello of Andhra Pradesh 6-1, 6-1. Earlier in the doubles final, Vighnesh and Rebello crushed L Innocent and Rahul Singh 6-2 6-1.
Revenue Divisional Commissioner (Southern Division) Satyabrata Sahu gave away prizes at the closing function. Also the tournament director, Sahu committed that Ganjam District Tennis Association would host an all-India junior circuit tournament every year in February.
Subhransu Sarangi played busy role in making the couple of tournaments successful. The junior tournament was preceded by a veteran doubles event.
Earlier on Wednesday, Tamil Nadu’s L Saravanan beat S Ghosh of West Bengal 6-3, 6-2 to win the girls’ singles title.