Two from Orissa _ Gouri Mohanty and Sandeep Mohanty have been selected to represent India in the 60th World Shukokai Karate Championship and Seminar to be held at Amagasaki City in Japan
from June 26 to 29.
According to Shukokai Karato-Do Union, India, the duo will leave Bhubaneswar tomorrow. They will be joined by team manager Kajuo Oda, who has already arrived in Japan.
Woman karateka Gouri, who has the credit of winning one gold, two silver and one bronze medals in different National championships, is also set to appear a test for third dan black
belt at Shukokai headquarter in Japan. Sandeep, also a medal winner in different karate competitions, will be appearing the first dan black belt test there.
Caption: Orissa karatekas Gouri Mohanti (left) and Sandeep Mohanty pose in Bhubaneswar before their tour to Japan for World Shukokai Karate Championship.