Top seed Soumya Ranjan Mishra shared the lead with 15 others, scoring three points from as many rounds in the 1st Kalinga Open All-India Rating Chess Tournament at OAS Association Bhawan in Bhubaneswar today.
Important results (3rd round): Soumya Ranjan Mishra (3) bt Baibhab Mishra (2), Rajendra Sahu (3) bt Manoj Tripathy (2), Krishan Soni (3) bt Debashree Mukherjee (2), Subhransu Satpathy (3) bt Mahesh Prasad Sethi (2), Manas Parida (3) bt Bishnu Sahoo (2), Asutosh Kumar (3) bt Rakesh Jena (2), Rabindra Ojha (3) bt GC Mohapatra (2), Rakesh Nayak (3) bt Narayan Das (2), Mohammad Ashraf (3) bt Saswat Mohanty (2), Dasarathi Sahoo (3) bt Sourav Mohanty (2), Ajay Dorjee (2.5) drew with Aritra Acharya (2.5), Sumit Banarjee (3) bt K Anand (2), Narayan Swain (3) bt Amit Kumar (2), Gobardhan Behera (3) bt Susant Sarangi (2), Johnson Sahoo (2.5) drew with Soumyadeep Choudhary (2.5), Sudhir Behera (3) bt Santosh Sinha (2), Ashutosh Mohapatra (3) bt Hrudananda Samantaray (2), Ramesh Subudhi (3) bt Ashok Satpathy (2), Haribandhu Singh (2.5) drew with Dibakar Patnaik (2).