Jajpur school boy Rakesh Kumar Jena won the title in the Orissa State Youth (U-25) Chess Championship, which concluded at Angul today. He drew his seventh and last game against Aparajita Gochhikar to finish with six points.
Bhubaneswar teenager Biswajeet Nayak also scored six points with win over Khitindra Pratim Dalai, but was declared runner-up on the basis of buchholz system. The three-day tournament was hosted by Angul District Chess Association, under the aegis of Orissa Chess Ad-hoc Committee.
Final standings (Top 10): 1. Rakesh Jena (6), 2. Biswajeet Nayak (6), 3. Aparajita Gochhikar (5.5), 4. Sugyan Prakash Maharaj (5.5), 5. Dinesh Kumar Behera (5), 6. Khitindra P Dalai (5), 7. Sourav Mohanty (5), 8. Sanjeeban Nayak (5), 9. Pritis Priyadarshi Pradhan (4.5), 10. Animesh Pattnaik (4.5).