S App Rao, K Manoj Kumar and Gayatri Mishra won the men’s, junior boys and women’s singles titles respectively in the Indian Oil-TCS Cup 2nd All-Orissa Open Badminton Championship, which ended at Saheed Nagar Indoor Hall in Bhubaneswar today. Promising Cuttack shuttler Manoj Kumar clinched a creditable double as he also claimed the junior boys doubles title with his partner Pramod Kumar Rana.
The men’s doubles crown went to Kamal Das and Girija Shankar Ray. State Commerce and Transport Secretary Satyabrata Sahoo, TCS Orissa head Manoj Panda and Indian Oil Corporation General Manager V Ramgopal gave away the prizes at the closing ceremony. Former badminton players Subrata Ray, Surya Sundar Das and Dr Susim Das were felicitated on the occasion.