Altogether 15 chess arbiters from seven states joined the All-India Technical Seminar, which commenced at OAS Bhavan, Kharvela Nagar, Bhubaneswar today. The three-day event is being organised jointly by Orissa Chess Ad-hoc Committee and Kalinga Chess Academy.
Supervised by All India Chess Federation (AICF) Rating Offier K Muralimohan and international arbiter Prof R Ananthraman, the seminar will feature an examination for the 15 arbiters on December 31. Candidates passing out the examination will get the senior National arbiter title and would be able to officiate National and rating tournaments.
Arbiters in the seminar: Tapas Mohanty, Sekhar Chandra Sahu, G C Mohapatra, L B Behera, Bhabesh Mohanty, N K Purohit, R N Sasmal (all Orissa): Dr R Thiruvengadam, V S Sriman (both Tamil Nadu): P M Paulkar, S A Jumde (both Maharashtra): Promod More (Karnataka): K K Reddy (AP): B B Dubey (MP): Pradip Kumar Roy (Tripura).