Madhya Pradesh girl Anjali Thakur outplayed Abhilasha Mehra (Delhi) 3-1 in the final to retain women’s singles title in the 7th Senior National Soft Tennis Championship at Kalinga Stadium in Bhubaneswar today.
Bhopal girl Anjali, an international in both tennis and soft tennis, blanked Megha Saraswat (UP) 3-0 earlier in the semifinals, while Abhilasha trounced Likhita Shetty (Delhi) by identical margin.
Meanwhile, Rahul Singroli (MP), Asad Raja Rizvi (Maharashtra), Vivek Shivaji (Maharashtra) and Mohamedd Nasir (Delhi) completed the men’s singles semifinal line up. In the quarterfinals, Singroli faced stiff competition against Atul Shree Patel (UP) before winning 3-2. But Rizvi, Shivaji and Mohamedd registered 3-0 identical wins over Parwej Pal (Delhi), Shivesh Tripathy (UP) and Sanjay Kumar (Punjab) respectively.