Jaraka boy Rakesh Kumar Jena emerged champion in the 23rd Bhubaneswar Open Chess Tournament, scoring 7.5 points from nine rounds at the Secretariat Recreation Club in Bhubaneswar today. Mahesh Prasad Sethi (Puri) and Sudhir Kumar Behera (Kalahandi) finished second and third, logging 7.5 points as well.
Dhamara Port Trust chairman Santosh Kumar Mohapatra, host Bhubaneswar Chess Association president S Srinivasan and secretary Arati Bijoy Mohanty gave away the prizes at the closing
FINAL STANDINGS (Top 15): 1. Rakesh Kumar Jena (Jaraka, 7.5 pts), 2. Mahesh Prasad Sethi (Puri, 7.5), 3. Sudhir Kumar Behera (Kalahandi, 7.5), 4. Biswajeet Nayak (Bhubaneswar, 7), 5. Ashutosh Mohapatra (Bhubaneswar, 7), 6. Rakesh Kumar Nayak (Bhubaneswar, 7), 7. Dasarathi Sahoo (Bhubaneswar, 7), 8. Rajendra Kumar Sahu (Bhubaneswar, 7), 9. Debasis Chakraborty (Balasore, 7), 10. Manas Ranjan Parida (Bhubaneswar, 7), 11. Prasant Kumar Bihari (Rourkela, 6.5), 12. Gopal Chandra Mohapatra (Puri, 6.5), 13. Ashok Kumar Satapathy (Puri, 6.5), 14. Santosh Kumar Singh (Puri, 6), 15. Sradhanjali Jena (Jaraka, 6).
PHOTO: Top three finishers (Mahesh Prasad Sethi, Rakesh Kumar Jena and Sudhir Kumar Behera) of the Bhubaneswar Open Chess Tournament in Bhubaneswar on Jan 10, 2010.