Rakesh Kumar Jena of Jajpur and Bhubaneswar Akankhya Kabi of Bbhubaneswar won the boys and girls titles respectively in the State Under-13 Chess Championship, which concluded at Venkateswar School, Jarka, Jajpur today. Jena beat Subhasish Barik in the eighth and final round to top the table with seven points, while Rakesh Kumar Nayak (Bhubaneswar) finished runner-up with 6.5 points.
In the five-round girls’ competition, Akankhya defeated Payal Das in the last round to take the title with 4.5 points, half a point ahead of Sradhanjali Jena (Jajpur), who became runner-up with four points.
Dharmasala Tahasildar Dilip Kumar Bala gave away the prizes in the presence of host Knight Chess Club secretary Tapan Kishore Sarangi and Jajpur United Chess Association secretary Manoj Kumar Parida. The top two finishers in both the categories qualified to represent Orissa in the National under-13 championship to be held at Puducherry from June 26 to July 5.
Boys: 1. Rakesh Kumar Jena (7), 2. Rakesh Kumar Nayak (6.5), 3. Baibhab Mishra (6.5), 4. Bhaskarshree Biswaroopanand (6), 5. Subhasis Barik (6), 6. Sambat Subhankar Ray (6), 7. Saswat Khuntia (6), 8. Sourav Mohanty (6), 9. Nishit Mohanty (6), 10. Rudrakshya Parida (5.5).
Girls: 1. Akankhya Kabi (4.5), 2. Sradhanjali Jena (4), 3. Smaraki Mohanty (3.5), 4. Adyasha Patnaik (3.5), 5. Sulagna Sarangi (3.5), 6. Payal Das (3), 7. Sovna Sonali Jena (3), 8. Adyasha Mahapatra (2.5), 9. Biswaroopa Chol (2), 10. Swayamdarshani Supakar (2).