The 6th PVR Murty Memorial Inter-School Cricket Tournament, hosted by leading club Union Sporting, witnessed an attractive finish with former India Test opener Akash Chopra handing over the winners trophy to Christ Collegiate School at the Engineering School ground here today. In the hard-fought final, Christ Collegiate School beat defending champions Ranihat High School by two wickets.
Javed Khan starred in the win, hitting a 54-ball 66. He was adjudged the man of the match. Mohammad Akram of Ranihat High School scored a half-century in the final to win a motorcycle as the man of the tournament. Wasif Rehemani and Subham Nayak (both Christ Collegiate) bagged the best batsman and best bowler of the tournament prizes respectively. The prize for the best fielder went to Jagannath Das of Railway Settlement High School.