India`s leading left-arm spinner Pragyan Ojha is set to tie the nuptial knot with his fiancee Karabee Baral at hotel Mayfair Lagoon here on May 16. This will be another major happening in the life of the Orissa-born cricketer, who won the Purple Cap as the highest wicket-taker in the third edition of IPL last month.
According to sources close to both the families, the marriage ceremony will be followed by reception at the same hotel on May 19. A post graduate in micro biology, Karabee is the elder daughter of Prof Kailash Chandra Baral and Prof Chanchala Baral. The academician parents are now working in Hyderabad-based ESM Central University. Hailing from Jagatsinghpur district
of Orissa, the Barals have been living in Hyderabad for many years.
Deccan Chargers’ leading bowler Pragyan, who bagged 21 wickets in IPL III, is the first of two sons of OMFED officer Maheswar Ojha. He took to cricket here under the guidance of Sasank Das at Saheed Sporting Club before his parents sent him to Hyderabad.
Pragyan`s talent in cricket blossomed there under the wings of former India spinner Venkatpathi Raju and went on to represent Hyderabad in Ranji
Trophy and then the country in all formats of the game.