Cricketer-turned-cueist Satyadeep Das started his third innings by getting married to fiancee Sraddhanjali Mishra in Bhubaneswar earlier on February 6. Fellow cricketers and cueists joined the couple`s reception party, which took place at BDA Park on February 11.
A right-hand batsman and wicket-keeper, Satyadeep represented Orissa in BCCI age-group tournaments for years (1996 to 2001). His best best performance in batting was a knock of 97 for East Zone against North Zone in Vizzy Trophy (2001).
Known to friends as Julu, Satyadeep took to cuesport in 2001. He finished senior snooker runner-up in the 16th State Billiards and Snooker Championship at Bhubaneswar in July, 2010 and went on to represent Orissa in the National Snooker Championship at Pune two months later. Sraddhanjali is currently working as the HR in the city-based Mahendra Institute of Management and Technical Studies.
PHOTO: Satyadeep Das with his wife Sraddhanjali at their reception party in Bhubaneswar on February 11, 2011.