Bhawanipur Football Club (BFC), Kolkata beat Samaleswari Sporting Club (SSC), Sambalpur 4-3 in the final to win the All-India Biju Patnaik Memorial Football Tournament at the OPM ground in Brajrajnagar today. The final was decided through tie-breaker after play in the regulation time ended in 1-1 draw. Sapan Oram (BFC) drew the first blood in the 29th minute, while Gokul Oram scored the equaliser in the 42nd minute.
The champion side received a cash prize of Rs 50,000, while the runners-up took home Rs 30,000. Earlier in the semifinals, SSC trounced Tamil Nadu Police, while BFC defeated Military Police, Bihar. Altogether 12 teams participated in the tournament, which was kicked off earlier on February 13. Tourism, Higher Education and Culture Minister Debi Prasad Mishra gave away the trophy and cash prizes at the valedictory ceremony.