Kishan Soni emerged champion in the All-Orissa Open Chess Tournament, which was organised by Orissa Secretariat Chess Association at the Secretariat Recreation Club here from March 18 to 20. Postal employee Soni scored seven points. Railway employee Soumya Ranjan Mishra finished second also with seven points.
Altogether 138 players, including 34 rated, participated in the tournament. Chief Election Officer S Srinivasan and Panchayati Raj Secretary Surendra Tripathy gave away the prizes at the closing function.
FINAL STANDINGS (Top 15): 1. Krishan Soni, 2. Soumya Ranjan Mishra, 3. Rajendra Sahu, 4. Binayak Rath, 5. Mohammad Ashraf, 6. Sanjiban Nayak, 7. Manas Parida, 8. Rabindra Ojha, 9. Sushant Sarangi, 10. Subhasish Barik, 11. Nishit Mohanty, 12. Dasharathi Sahoo, 13. Abhilash Kabi, 14. Ashutosh Mohapatra, 15. Santosh Sinha.