Satya Ranjan Behera emerged champion in the Bhubaneswar Classic District Level Bodybuilding Competition, which was organised by Body Fitness at Balakati near here today. This was Behera`s the second title in six days, the earlier one coming in the Bhubaneswar District championship at Old Town.
Papun Kumar Swain, Pramod Kumar Swain, Sangram Keshari Samantaray and Bhaskar Moharana occupied second to fifth positions respectively behind Behera. Former minister Suresh Kumar Routray and former Mr India Surendra Singhbhoi gave away prizes to the successful bodybuilders. Orissa Amateur Body Builders Association secretary Prasanna Kumar Mahasuara and international judge Babuli Swain were present on the occasion.
PHOTO: Prize winners and guests in the Bhubaneswar Classic Bodybuilding Competition at Balakati on March 25, 2011.