Phulbani XI, led by MLA Debendra Kanhara, emerged champions in the 6th Pravakar Das Memorial Football Tournament at Unit-VI High School ground in Bhubaneswar today. Riding on a brace by Deepak Kumar, the Phulbani side thrashed host Unit-VI Athletic Association 2-0 in the final to take home the top prize of Rs 7,000.
Legislators Padmanav Behera, Jaya Narayan Mishra and industrialist Tara Ranjan Patnaik gave away the trophy and prizes at the closing function. Deepak Kumar and his teammates Shanmuga Rao, Tukuna Singh were adjudged as the best forward, best goalkeeper and best defender respectively. The prize for the highest scorer of the tournament was claimed by Nilay Ghosal of the home team.
PHOTO: Players of Phulbani XI lift the Pravakar Das Memorial Trophy in Bhubaneswar on December 10, 2010.