Rajeev Roy emerged champion in the 8th Kalinga JCB Golf Tournament, which was hosted by Bhubaneswar Golf Club at BGC Course, Infocity here on January 8 and 9. Altogether 61 golfers participated in the two-day tournament, which marked the start of the season. Dharitri` editor Tathagat Satpathy and Parliament Member Kanak Vardhan Singhdeo gave away the prizes.
Results: 0-16 handicap: Rajeev Roy (Winner, 71 points), Ranjan Das (Runner-up, 74 points). Overall best gross: Dalbir Singh (85 points). 17-24 handicap: Lakhi Swain (Winner, 73 points), S S (Phelu) Parija (79 points). Seniors: J P Panda (Winner, 78 points), B K Das (Runner-up, 80 points). Ladies: Alka Taneja (Winner, 94 points), Revati Pany (Runner-up, 96 points).