Santosh Das of Cuttack and Lucky Rani Patra of Bhubaneswar were adjudged champion of champions in the men and women categories of the 3rd Bhaina Memorial Orissa Open Arm-wrestling Tournament, which was organised jointly by Bhaina Memorial Trust and Utkal Karate School here today. Around 100 arm-wrestlers from all over the state took part in the tournament. Trophy and cash prizes were given away at the closing function.
Men: 50kg: 1. Silu Nayak, 2. Charan Nayak, 3. Siba Prasad Mishra. 55kg: 1. Amit Ghadai, 2. Lagnajit Nayak, 3. Somnath Patra. 62kg: 1. Tarif Nayak, 2. K Gautam, 3. Srikant Nayak. 70kg: 1. Santosh Das, 2. Prasant Raj, 3. Ajaya Kumar Nayak. 80kg: 1. Sunil Raj, 2. Damesil Rhalin, 3. Rohit Mukhi. 90kg: 1. Sagar Nayak, 2. Ansuman Sethi, 3. Govinda Chandra Mohanty. 100kg: 1. Tapan Nayak, 2. Kuna Raj, 3. Narasingh Satpathy. Above 100kg: 1. Biswa Mohan Patnaik, 2. Ranjit Samal, 3. Chitta Ranjan Mishra.
Master: 1. M A Ali, 2. Kartikeswar Jena, 3. Bijaya Bastia.
Women:50kg: 1. Krishna Kumari Mallick, 2. S Pradhan, 3. Chandrika. 60kg: 1. Lucky Rani Patra, 2. RR Bastia. 70kg: 1. Gitarani Sasmal, 2. M Aruna.
PHOTO: Champion of Champions Santosh Das (Left) and Lucky Rani Patra pose with trophy in Bhubaneswar on June 20, 2011.