The inaugural edition of Odisha Premier League (OPL) has generated a profit of Rs 1,19,36,737. This was announced by Asirbad Behera, Honorary Secretary of Orissa Secretary of Orissa Cricket Association (OCA) at a media conference in Cuttack today.
Giving details of the transaction, he said OCA earned a total of Rs 4,17,56,435 from the state-level Twenty20 tournament. The state body incurred a total expense of Rs 2,98,19,698.
Mr Behera also stated that according to earlier commitment, OCA would donate 50 per cent of the profit to government-recognised orphanages for promotion of health and education of the orphan children. The remaining 50 per cent would be distributed among the 10 franchisees of the OPL.
The OCA secretary, however, made it clear that OCA will constitute a committee, involving district Collectors, local MLAs, representatives of OCA, district sports associations and recognised orphanages for proper utilisation of the donation for orphanages. ``The next edition of OPL will take place during April-May, 2012,`` he said.