Eminent cricket coach Kishore Mania retired from government service as the Assistant Sports Director today. Respected as the `Dronacharya` of game in the state, Mania groomed large number of cricketers, including former Test opener Shiv Sundar Das, former junior internationals Sritam Das, Ranjib Biswal and Ranji Trophy players Amiya Ray, Tukuna Sahu during his 35-year-long tenure.
He was accorded a warm farewell by his colleagues at the office of the State Directorate of Sports and Youth Services here. ``A true coach never retires in life and `Mania sir` belongs to that category,`` said State Sports Director Saswat Mishra, commending the contribution of Kishore Mania on the occasion.
PHOTO: Kishore Mania (L) is felicitated by Sports Director Saswat Mishra in Bhubaneswar on July 30, 2011.