Andhra Pradesh bagged the team title in the All-India Invitational Karate Championship, which was organised by Orissa Ryushin-kan Shito-ryu Karata Association (ORSKA) here at TTDS Mandapam, Jayadev Vihar today.
In individual events, Y Nagendra Babu, Rohit and D Hussain Bali secured gold medals in men`s category, while Tumpa Karmakar of West Bengal triumphed on women`s section. Around 350 karatekas from eight states took part in the one-day championship, which featured competition in three styles _ Shoto-kan, Goju-ryu and Shito-ryu.
Orissa`s women karate ace Valena Valentina, however, did not compete in the championship. Instead, she played the role of organising secretary. Asian Games semifinalist Valentina, of course, found time to demonstrate a few karate tricks on the occasion. She was felicitated by Orissa Governor Muralidhar Chandrakant Bhandare, who also presented trophy to the Andhra team.