Murali Karthikeyan of Tamil Nadu emerged champion in the 1st Bhola Infratech All-India Rating School Chess Tournament, which concluded here today. He scored nine points from 10 rounds to take home the top prize of Rs 15,000. Sumit Kumar (WB) finished runner-up with eight points and received of Rs 10,000.
Altogether 179 boys and girls took part in the four-day tournament, which was hosted by Ama Parivar, in association with S R Chess Center and carried a total prize fund of Rs 82,000.
Final standings (Top 15): 1. Murali Karthikeyan (TN, 9 points), 2. Sumit Kumar (WB, 8), 3. Sidhant Mohapatra (Ori, 8), 4. V Pranavananda (AP, 8), 5. L Barath (TN, 8), 6. Sankalp Baliarsingh (Ori, 8), 7. Sunyasakta Satpathy (Ori, 7.5), 8. Nishit Mohanty (Ori, 7.5), 9. Ashutosh Mohapatra (Ori, 7), 10. Ashutosh Mohanty (Ori, 7), 11. Saurabh Anand (Bih, 7), 12. Akankhya Kabi (Ori, 7), 13. Smaraki Mohanty (Ori, 7), 14. Kumar Gaurav (Bih, 7), 15. Saswat Khuntia (Ori, 7).
PHOTO: Prize winners and guests at the closing function of the All-India School Chess Tournament in Bhubaneswar on April 12, 2011.