Rajiv Ray emerged champion in the Hole-in-One-Club-hosted special golf tournament held at Bhubaneswar Golf Club (BGC) Course here at the Infocity campus today. The two-day tournament, featuring 65 golfers, including ladies, concluded on a glittering note with Prabhu Chawla, the Editorial Director of New Indian Express, handing over the prizes at the presentation function, which attracted attention with fireworks amidst a gathering of who’s-who of the city. IDCO CMD Priyabrat Patnaik and BGC president Tara Patnaik were present on the occasion.
The Hole-in-One-Club is an exclusive group of BGC, comprising 24 members, who have achieved the rare feat of driving the golf ball into the `hole` in one stroke during the period 1992 to 2011. The Hole-in-One club members host a tournament every year to celebrate their achievement. The new entrants to this exclusive club are also presented with `crests` and formally welcomed into the group during this tournament. Like in the previous edition, the Hole-in-One Club members offered a `NANO` car to the first golfer who does a `hole-in-on` during this competition.