Ajay Dash emerged champion in the All-Odisha Falcon Open Golf Tournament, which concluded at the Bhubaneswar Golf Club (BGC) Course here today. Other winners included Rajeev Roy (best gross), Yun Woo Jung (17-23 handicap), Gopinath Sarangi (senior), Alka Taneja (ladies) and Nikhil Pratap (24+ handicap).
Around 100 golfers from Sambalpur, Talcher, Paradip, Army, Railways and Bhubaneswar participated in the two-day tournament, which was sponsored by Falcon Group. Celebrity guest and former Bollywood star Jeetendra handed over the prizes at the glittering presentation function.
The presentation party featured an unpleasant scene as mediapersons were ill-treated by service-providing workers.
Final results: Falcon champion: Ajay Dash (score 72). Best gross winner: Rajeev Roy (88). Runner-up (0-16 handicap): S P Patnaik (73). 17-23 handicap: Yun Woo Jung (71, winner), Syed Nawaz Yunus (76, runner-up). Seniors winner: Gopinath Sarangi (52). Ladies winner: Alka Taneja (67). 24+ winner: Nikhil Pratap (54). Longest drive: Rajeev Roy (260 yds). Nearest to pin: Shailendra Upadhyay (30 ft).