Bhubaneswar regained the Purna Chandra Behera Memorial Trophy, the symbol of supremacy in the Senior Inter-District Women Football Championship, after a gap of one year, defeating Sundargarh 4-3 in the final, via tie-breaker at Charampa in Bhadrak today.
Tie-break rule was applied after play in the regulation time ended in 1-1 draw. Captain Subhaprava Rout gave Bhubaneswar the lead in the 18th minute, while Sundargarh equalised through Sarojini Tirkey in the 43rd minute. In the penalty shoot out, Bhubaneswar converted three spot kicks through Subhaprava Rout, Sasmita Akka and Digi Majhi, while Sundargarh found the target twice.
The champion team received Rs 10,000 and the runner-up outfit Rs 5,000. Manisha Panna of Sundargarh bagged the colour television as the player of the tournament. Bhubaneswar captain Rout won the prize as the player of the final match.
Odisha Olympic Association secretary Asirbad Behera handed over the trophy and prizes in the presence of former India woman football captain Sradhanjali Samantaray and India women football team coach Shahid Abdul Jabbar.
PHOTO: Bhubaneswar team with the PC Behera Memorial Trophy in Bhadrak on Feb 22, 2012.