West Bengal state senior snooker runner-up Aamer Hussain lifted the trophy after emerging champion in the senior category of the Cue Club Open Snooker Tournament, which concluded here at Cue Club, Patia today. He outplayed Odisha state senior billiards champion Subrat Das 5-0 in the lop-sided final to receive the top prize of Rs 10,000. Despite registering a break of 76, the highest in the tournament, Das contended himself with the runner-up prize of Rs 7,000.
In the semifinals, Hussain outplayed Nishant Biswal 4-1, while Das prevailed over top seed Rakesh Roshan Pradhan by identical margin. Maruti Estate (India) Managing Director Jitendra P Singh presented the trophy and cash prizes in the presence of Cue Club president Abhishek Mahananda.
Earlier, local favourite Ashutosh Padhy and Cuttack lad Chirag Arora won the junior and sub-junior title respectively. Former sub-junior National billiards and snooker champion Ashutosh defeated West Bengal state junior snooker champion Rahul Negi in the final by 4-1 frames.