Ranjit Singh, fondly known as Raju Singh, emerged champion in the Falcon All Odisha Open Golf Tournament, which concluded here at the Bhubaneswar Golf Club course on Sunday. The two-day tournament, a regular feature of the BGC calendar, assumed added importance with former India pace bowler Venkatesh Prasad joining the presentation pary as a guest. He was honoured on the occasion by BGC president Tara Patnaik.
RESULTS: Champion: Ranjit Singh. Best Gross: Cdr Rohit Garg. Runner-up (0-16 handicap): B Nayak. 17-23 handicap: Col Sushant Mohapatra (winner), Subhash Acharya (runner-up). 24 Plus handicap: Nawaz Yunus (winner). Seniors: Ramesh Roy (winner); Harbir Singh (runner-up). Ladies: Manasi Mohapatra (winner); Annapurna Dash (runner-up). Longest drive: Cdr Rohit Garg. Nearest to pin: Sunil Taneja. Straightest drive: Col KC Senapati.