Experienced campaigner Swayangsu Satyakam and Jajpur school boy Rakesh Kumar Jena won the rapid and blitz titles respectively in the All-Odisha Open Rapid & Blitz Chess Tournament, which concluded here at Hotel Keshari today. Fifth seed Satyakam, elder brother of International Master Swayangsu Satyapragyan, topped the table with nine points from 11 rounds to take home a cash prize of Rs 7,000.
Mohammad Ashraf of Cuttack emerged runner-up with 8.5 points and became richer by Rs 5,000. Krishan Soni of Khordha took the third prize of Rs 3,500.
Jena scored 8.5 points in the nine-round tournament to pocket the top prize of Rs 3,000. Local lad Biswajit Nayak finished runner-up with eight points, while darkhorse Rajat Kumar Sahoo of Puri occupied the third position with 7.5 points. Odia film star Archita and chess IM Swayangsu Satyapragyan handed over the prizes at the closing function.
PHOTO: Blitz title winner Rakesh Jena (2nd from R) with IM S Satyapragyan (L) and film star Archita in Bhubaneswar on October 28, 2012.