Tamil Nadu teenager Rithvik Anand added the singles title to yesterday`s doubles crown to clinch a creditable double in the KIIT-AITA 50K Men`s Ranking Tennis Tournament, which concluded at KIIT University Tennis Complex here today.
Second seed Anand played flawless tennis to outclassed seventh seed West Bengal`s Azhar Mohammad 6-3, 6-1 in the singles final to pocked the top prize of Rs 6,500 and 20 AITA ranking points. Runner-up Azhar settled with the second prize of Rs 4,500 and 15 ranking points.
Earlier yesterday, Anand won the doubles title with his senior statemate and former National champion Vinod Sridhar, defeating MP-Assam combination of Neeraj Choudhury and Abhinansu Borthakur in the final 6-3, 6-1.
The tournament suffered an upset as top seed Vinod Sridhar (Tamil Nadu) pulled out, conceding his quarterfinal match against seventh seed Azhar Mohammad. Sridhar cited `extremely hot weather condition` as the reason for pulling out of the match.
Dr Vece Paes, hockey Olympian and father of tennis legend Leander Paes, handed over the trophies at the closing function. Host Odisha Tennis Association secretary Madhusudan Padhi, Finance Department Additional Secretary Damodar Pradhani and KIIT University Joint-registrar Sucheta Priyabadini were present on the occasion.
PHOTO: Title winners (Left to right) Rithvik Anand, Vinod Sridhar and singles runner-up Azhar Mohammad with chief guest Dr Vece Paes in Bhubaneswar on October 5, 2012.