Rajiv Roy emerged champion in the annual BGC Hole-in-One Golf Tournament, which was held at the BGC Course in Bhubaneswar on January 12 and 13. He won the title in the 0-18 handicap category, while Shailendra Upadhyaya runner-up.
In the 24-30 handicap category, Sangram Pujari emerged winner. In ladies section, Annapurna Das and Alka Taneja emerged winner and runner-up respectively. In the veteran category, Ramesh Roy and DP Mishra finished winner and runner-up.
Playing in the men`s category, professional woman golfer Lakhi Swain emerged as the best as the best hole-in-one golfer of the tournament. Ranjit Singh won the best trophy. BGC president Tara Patnaik handed over the trophes at the closing function.
PHOTO: Ladies’ winner Lakhi Swain (right) receives the prize from BGC president Tata Patnaik in Bhubaneswar on January 13, 2013.