Dalbir Singh emerged champion in the MCL Invitation Golf Tournament, which concluded at Bhubaneswar Golf Club course here today. He rode on a birdie on the first hole and five pars to assert his supremacy in the main (0 to 16 handicap) category with net score of 71, while B Nayak finished runner-up.
The best gross trophy was bagged by D M Mishra, who is known in the state golf circle as Babi. Shailendra Upadhyay and Col S K Mohapatra emerged winner and runner-up respectively in the 17 to 23 handicap category, while top honour in 24-plus handicap category went to Ramesh Swain. In the senior category, Ramesh Roy won the title, while Prafulla K Sahoo settled as runner-up.
Lakhi Swain claimed the ladies’ title and Alka Taneja ended runner-up. The prize for the best outstation golfer was bagged by Deeken Mehra. Over 100 golfers from Kolkata, Ranchi, Jamshedpur, Bhubaneswar, Sambalpur,Talcher and Paradeep participated in the three-day tournament, which was organised by Mahanadi Coalfields Limited.
MCL Chairman-cum-Director Animesh Nandan Sahay handed over the trophies at the closing party. MCL Directors Arun Kumar Tiwari (Technical) and Kulamani Biswal (Finance) were present on the occasion.
PHOTO: Dalbir Singh (Left) receives the trophy after emerging champion in the MCL Invitation Golf Tournament in Bhubaneswar on January 27, 2013.