A 17-member Odisha squad bagged eight medals in the Junior and Masters National Powerlifting Championship, which was held at Amravati in Maharashtra from January 24 to 30. According to Odisha Powerlifting Association officials, the medals included five gold, one silver and two bronze.
In the unequipped junior 53kg category, Amit Thappa won the gold with a total lift of 410kg, while Basant Maleka claimed bronze with an effort of 400kg. Sudam Sahu secured one silver in 59kg category, lifting a total of 432.5kg. In the 66kg category, Pradeep Kumar Patra (555kg) and Baguru Ratai (420kg) grabbed the gold and silver respectively. Patra was adjudged as the Strongman of India runner-up
Brahmapada Behera pocketed the gold in Masters-I 74kg category with a total lift of 520kg. Other two gold medals came in the Masters-II 74 and 83kg categories by Jitendra Behera (470kg) and Kartikeswar Jena (520kg) respectively. Jena was adjudged as the Strongman of India in the Master-II category.
PHOTO: Medal winning Odisha powerlifters in Amravati on January 28, 2013.