Ramakrushna High School emerged champions in the Jayant Mohapatra Memorial One-day School Football Tournament, beating Unit-VIII DAV Public School 1-0 in the final at Unit-VI School ground here today. Altogether eight school teams participated in the tournament, which was organised by Unit-VI Athletic Association.
Tukuna Hembram of the champion school was adjudged the man of the tournament. Suraj Minz (Ramakrushna HS), Avilash Das (DAV), Punit Paikaray (DAV) and Deepak Nayak (Unit-VI HS) received prizes as best goalkeeper, best defender, best mid-fielder and best forward respectively.
PHOTO: Ramakrushna boys lift the trophy after winning the one-day school football tournament in Bhubaneswar on Sept 19, 2010.