Odisha school boy Ashirwad Swain emerged champion, defeating S Kumar of Tamil Nadu in the 10th and last round of the 1st Bhubaneswar Open All-India (below 1800) Fide Rating Chess Tournament here at Prabhujee English Medium School, VSS Nagar today. Cuttack lad Swain garnered 8.5 points with the help of eight wins and one draw to pocket the top prize of Rs 20,000.
Satyajit Sarkar of West Bengal also secured 8.5 points but only to contend himself with the runner-up prize of Rs 15,000. Odisha`s Mahesh Prasad Sethi finished third with eight points and became richer by Rs 12,000.
Altogether 311 players from 15 states and union territories participated in the three-day tournament, which was organised by Khordha District Chess Association, under the aegis of All Odisha Chess Association. The 10-round tournament carried a total prize fund of Rs 2 lakhs.
FINAL STANDINGS (Top 20): 1-2: Ashirwad Swain (Odi), Satyajit Sarkar (WB) each 8.5 points; 3-6: Mahesh Prasad Sethi (Odi), Vikesh Nandan Kumar (Bih), Bibhuti Bhusan Mohanty (Odi), Aryan (Bih) 8 each; 7-18: V Vignesh (TN), T Balaguru (Pud), S Kumar (TN), Diptanshu Ranjan Swain (Odi), Aditya Svnh (AP), Subhasis Barik (Odi), Thompson Sahu (Odi), Sonkalan Bharati (WB), Aseem Bihari Saran (Jha), Himanshu Chabda (Mah), Amitanshu Priyadarshan (Odi), M Nikhil (AP) each 7.5; 19-20: S Vighneshwaran (TN), Madhusudan Sahu (Odi) 7 each.
PHOTO: Prize winners and guests at the Bhubaneswar Open All-India Chess Tournament in Bhubaneswar on March 22, 2013.