Rabindra Kumar Ojha of Cuttack emerged champion in the Puri Open All-Odisha Chess Tournament, which concluded at city hotel in Puri today. He scored 7.5 points out of a possible eight to take home the top prize of Rs 5,000.
Local teenager Baivab Mishra and Mohammad Ashraf (Cuttack) finished second and third respectively, securing 6.5 points apiece. Altogether 204 players from 16 districts participated in the three-day tournament, which was organised by District Chess Association, Puri, under the aegis of All Odisha Chess Association.
The eight-round tournament carried a prize fund of Rs 50,000. Puri Municipality Chairman Jayant Kumar Sarangi handed over the trophies and cash prizes at the closing function.
FINAL STANDINGS (Top 10): 1. Rabindra Kumar Ojha (7.5), 2-5: Baivab Mishra, Mohammad Ashraf, Rakesh Kumar Nayak, Dibakar Patnaik (7 each); 6-9: Nayak Rajesh, Swain Diptanshu Ranjan, Goura Hari Mohapatra, Sanket Sagar Dash (each 6.5), 10. FM Sankalp Baliarsingh (6).
PHOTO: Rabindra Ojha (Left) receives the winner`s trophy at the Puri Open chess tournament in Puri on December 16, 2013.