Rabindra Kumar Ojha of Cuttack emerged champion in the Jajpur All-Odisha Open Chess Tournament, which concluded at Nua Sunguda UGUP School in Chandikhole today. He scored 7.5 points out of a possible eight to take home the top prize of Rs 5,000.
This was the second title in a fortnight for Ojha, who had bagged the top honour at Puri Open All-Odisha Tournament at Puri. Fide Master Soumya Ranjan Mishra (Bhubaneswar) finished runner-up with seven points. He received Rs 3,000.
Altogether 75 players, including 10 girls, participated in the three-day tournament, which was organised by Mahavinayak Chess Academy with the cooperation of Jajpur United Chess Association.
FINAL STANDINGS (Top 10): 1. Rabindra Kumar Ojha (7.5), 2. Soumya Ranjan Mishra (7), 3. Pravat Kumar Ojha (6), 4. Satyabrata Kar (6), 5. Ansuman Samal (6), 6. Ashirwad Swain (6), 7. Pranab Kumar Patra (6), 8. Kshirod Samal (6), 9. Alekh Behera (6), 10. Mohammad Ashraf (5.5).