Shailendra Upadhyay emerged champion in the Kalinga Trophy Golf Tournament, which concluded at Bhubaneswar Golf Club course here today. He carded 72 to win the title in the 0 to 16 hole category, which was conducted in the 18-hole stroke-play format.
Dhirendra Sajwan bagged the best gross prize, while Bhupinder Singh, S P (Sunny) Singh, Gopinath Sarangi and Revati Pany emerged winners in 19-23 handicap, 24+ handicap, veterans and ladies categories respectively.
0-18 handicap (18-hole stroke play): Shailendra Upadhyay (winner, 72), Ajay Negi (runner-up, 73). Best gross: Dhirendra Sajwan (87). 19-23 handicap: Bhupinder Singh (winner, 73), Anup Mohapatra (runner-up, 75). 24+ handicap: S P Singh (winner, 78). Ladies: Revati Pany (winner, 80), Manasi Mohapatra (runner-up, 81). Veterans (9-hole stroke play): Gopinath Sarangi (winner, 38), Ramesh Roy (runner-up, 39).
PHOTO: Prize winners with guests at the Kalinga Trophy Golf Tournament in Bhubaneswar on Bhubaneswar on January 12, 2013.