Local golfer Ajay Negi emerged champion in the Nalco East Zone Golf Tournament, which concluded here at the Bhubaneswar Golf Club yesterday. Pawan Marwa bagged the best gross trophy, while Geeta Biswas, Gopinath Sarangi and AC Sutar came out winners in ladies, seniors and 19-24 handicap categories respectively.
Jitu Garg of Jamshedpur Golf Club was awarded the trophy as the best outstation golfer. Altogether 110 golfers from various golf clubs of eastern India, including teams from Kolkata, Jamshedpur, Vizag participated in the three-day tournament, which was organised under the aegis of Bhubaneswar Golf Club for the 11th time in a row.
Nalco CMD Ansuman Das, Health & Family Welfare Principal Secretary P K Mohapatra, Nalco Directors N R Mohanty and SC Padhy handed over the trophies at the closing function.
PHOTO: Nalco CMD Ansuman Das (Right) hands over the trophy at the Nalco East Zone Golf Tournament in Bhubaneswar on January 26, 2014.