Host East Coast Railway emerged champions in the All-India Nilachal Express Floodlit Football Tournament, defeating Jatni Sports Academy 1-0 in the final at Railway Stadium in Khurda Road today.
Lala Sudhanshu Sekhar Ray scored the all-important goal in the 40th minute. He was adjudged the player of the match. The champion team received a cash prize of Rs 50,000 and the runner-up side Rs 30,000.
Saroj Pradhan, Seikh Mustakin, Gokul Oram and Nelson bagged prizes as best goalkeeper, best forward, best mid-fielder and best defender respectively. East Coast Railway General Manager Rajib Vishnoi handed over the trophy at the closing function.
PHOTO: Nilachal Trophy champions East Coast Railway team celebrates in Khurdha Road on May 4, 2014.