Sweta Senapati of Delhi Public School, Nalco Nagar (Angul) emerged champion in the Puri Open All-Odisha School Chess Tournament, which concluded at Hotel Padma in Puri today. Sweta and Sambit Panda of DAV Public School, Unit-8 (Bhubaneswar) tied for the top spot, garnering 6.5 points each from seven rounds.
But Sweta clinched the title on the basis of Butchholz tie-break method, while Sambit settled as first runner-up. Anwesha Mishra of St Joseph`s High School, Cuttack, finished second runner-up with six points.
Altogether 156 students from eight districts participated in the two-day tournament, which was organised by District Chess Association of Puri (DCAP), under the aegis of All Odisha Chess Association. Puri Municipality chairman Jayanta Kumar Sarangi gave away the prizes at the closing function. DCAP president Narayan Patra and secretary Subhash Chandra Sahoo were present on the occasion.
FINAL STANDINGS (Top 10): 1. Sweta Senapati (Ang, 6.5), 2. Sambit Panda (Bbs, 6.5), 3. Mishra Anwesha (Ctc, 6), 4. Bhaskar Sri Viswaroopanand (Pur, 6), 5. Rajbir Mohanty (Pur, 6), 6. Anish Mishra (Pur, 6), 7. Sourav Mohanty (Pur, 5.5), 8. Ankush Sahoo (Pur, 5.5), 9. Sarthak Mishra (Sbp, 5.5), 10. Anish Kumar Ray (Pur, 5.5).
PHOTO: Prize winners with guests and officials at the Puri Open School Chess Tournament in Puri on Sept 28, 2014.