Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL) on Tuesday felicitated Odisha`s Mahesh Mohapatra for attaining the all India (AITA) No 1 ranking in under-12 boys` category earlier this year. MCL CMD Animesh Nandan Sahay presented a cheque of Rs 1 lakh as a token of appreciation to local boy Mahesh in a simple ceremony at MCL office here.
A product of Ace Base Tennis Academy, Mahesh has won six singles and three doubles titles in AITA tournaments so far. Currently he is occupying the No 4 position in the AITA under-12 rankings with 424.5 points in his kitty.
Congratulating the young achiever, Sahay wished to see him reach greater heights and represent India in international tournaments. MCL Directors Jaswinder Pal Singh (Tech/P&P), P C Panigrahi (Personnel), and Mahesh`s father Sarbeswar Mohapatra and coach Ajay Nishank were present on the occasion.
PHOTO: Mahes Mohapatra is felicitated by MCL in Bhubaneswar on Sept 30, 2014.