Followed by penalty shooting and Fifa World Cup quiz competitions, these events brought to the fore many promising talents and their refreshing skills. Among 70 boys, who represented 14 schools in these contests, Laxmidhar Murmu of Ramakrushna Sikhya Kendra won the long-kick competition, sending the ball to a distance of 55 metres.
``I have been practising long kicks, putting on iron shoes. That helped me strengthen my legs and win this contest,’’ revealed Laxmidhar. Sanjib Soren of Kalinga Vidyapitha and Rohan Panda of St Xavier’s High School (Kedargouri) finished second and third with efforts of 50 and 46 metres respectively.
In the target shooting contest, which featured two smaller goalposts, players were required to score from a distance of a 15 metres, kicking the ball over the first post (width two metre, height one metre), which was placed 10 metre in front of the kicking spot and into the second post (4x2 meter), placed five metre ahead of the first. St Xavier`s High School, Kedargouri, emerged champion in this contest, defeating Sri Aurobinda Institute of Integral Education in the final by 2-1 goals.
State Sports Department`s former Assistant Director of Ashok Mohanty, Football Association of Odisha vice-president Bhakta Ballav Das, Khurda District Sports Officer Lalit Mohanty, Unit-VI Athletic Association vice-president Akshya Kumar Das and Bhubaneswar Athletic Association joint-secretary Naba Ranjan Patnaik handed over the trophies at presentation ceremony. ------------------------------------------------------------ PHOTOS ------------------------------------------------------------- RIGHT: Long-kick contest`s top three finishers (L to R) Laxmidhar Murmu, Sanjib Soren and Rohan Panda on Sept 7, 2014. TOP: Champion and runners-up teams of target shooting contest celebrate on Sept 7, 2014.