Altogether seven states participated in the eight-day tournament, which was hosted by Football Association of Odisha. Sports Authority of India, Chhattisgarh, Sikkim, Bihar and Odisha were other five teams in the fray. Zonal champions West Bengal and runners-up Jharkhand qualified for the National finals, scheduled to be held in Goa.
Speaking on the occasion Pandey said, ``Coca-Cola Cup U-15 Football Tournament is a grassroots talent hunt programme, which had been initiated to uncover the dynamic young footballers in the country and identify potential players to play FIFA U-17 World Cup to be held in India. We hope more and more young footballers will get the opportunity to showcase their talent in this platform in the coming years.`` RESULTS: December 10: Match No 1: Jharkhand (Vikash Balmuchu 46th, 57th, 60th, 76th, 79th, 85th; Gourav Mukhi 9th, 17th, 33rd, 45th; Govind Soren 76th, 83rd, 88th; Chotu Tirkey 31st) beat Sikkim 14-0. December 11: Match No 2: West Bengal (Arnab Neogi 1st, 61st, 82nd; Tarak Hembrem 28th, Avijit Mondal 58th) beat Chhattisgarh (Dhalendra Das 55th) 5-1. Match No 3: SAI (Tanmoy Das 17th, JH Mallik 25th, 26th; Suman Dutta 61st) beat Bihar (Raphel Soren 87th) 4-1. December 12: Match No 4: Jharkhand (Vikash Balmuchu 29th, 54th, 84th; Gourav Mukhi 39th, Chotu Tirkey 87th) beat Odisha (Biki Sethi 36th, Saurav Ranjan Hanuman 74th) 5-2. December 13: Match No 5: SAI (Jakir Hussain Mallik 45th, Suman Dutta 51st) beat Chhattisgarh (Amit Nag 47th) 2-1. Match No 6: West Bengal (Raphel Soren 55th, 69th, 87th; Sanjoy Soren 62nd, Roushan Kumar 68th, Shahidi Afridi 84th) beat Bihar (Rahim Alli 64th) 6-1. December 14: Match No 7: Odisha (Saurav Ranjan Hanuman 46th, 51st, 59th, 62nd, 75th; Biki Sethi 11th, 70th,83rd; Sanjay Khadia 48th, 87th; Amar Lakra 15th, Sameer Kerketa 26th, Mantu Minz 86th) beat Sikkim (Namshok Subba 48th) 13-1. December 15: Match No 8: West Bengal (Abhijit Mondal 5th, 42nd; Rahim Ali 9th, 86th) beat SAI (Bikash Mandal 49th) 4-1. Match No 9: Bihar (Roushan Kumar 38, 48, 58, 63; Sunny Kumar 46, 49; Raphael Soren 76) beat Chhattisgarh 7-0. December 17: Match No 10 (Final): Bengal (Arnab Neogi 18th, Avijit Mondal 36th) beat Jharkhand 2-0. --------------------------------------------------------------- PHOTOS --------------------------------------------------------------- TOP: West Bengal players celebrate their triumph in Cuttack on December 17, 2014. RIGHT: Players of Jharkhand team with the runners-up trophy in Cuttack on December 17, 2014.