Rohit Football Academy emerged champions in the Bachal Memorial Football Tournament, defeating Gallant Football Club 5-4 in the all-Cuttack final, via tie-breaker at the high school ground in Padmapur, Cuttack today.
Jaya Prakash Sahu, Md Imtiaz, Seikh Moin and Seikh Jani received individual prizes as best goalkeeper, best defender, best mid-fielder and best forward in the order.
Salipur MLA Prakash Chandra Behera and Odisha Olympic Association secretary Asirbad Behera handed over the trophy and prizes at the closing function. The tournament was jointly organised by Cuttack District Athletic Association and Friends Parivar from December 19. Altogether 16 teams have joined the tournament.
December 19 (Match No 1): Maa Jagulei Club (Salipur) beat Kanpur Football Academy 1-0.
December 21: Gallant Football Club (Seikh Pervez 3rd, 42nd) beat Friends Pariwar (Ashok Bhoi 12th) 2-1.
December 22: Bidanasi Football Club (Chiranjib Behera, Bijaya Behera, Mangu Das) beat Youngmen Sports Club 3-0.
Rohit Football Academy beat Choudwar Sports Council 6-0.
December 23: Banki Athletic Association (Anirudh Pallei 17th, Bisnu Prasad Das 49th) beat Agrahat Sports Club (Pabitra Jena 4th) 2-1.
December 24: Cuttack Sports Hostel (Niranjan Sardar 53rd) beat Athagarh Athletic Association 1-0.
December 25: Sairam Morning Club (Prasanta Behera 53rd) beat Eleven Gun Football Club 1-0.
December 26: Bidanasi FC, Cuttack (Bijoy Behera, J Das, A Kandi, S Roy and A Das) beat Maa Jagulei FC, Salepur (Imtiyaz Ali) 5-1.
December 27: Gallant Football Club (Seikh Zahir 36th) beat Odisha United Football Club (B Bhasi 29th) 5-3 in penalty shoot out (FT 1-1).
December 30 (1st semifinal): Rohit Football Academy (Ramesh Das 1st) beat Bidanasi Club (Krushna Das 49th) 8-7 in sudden death (Full time 1-1).
December 31 (2nd semifinal): Gallant Football Club (Seikh Zahid 6th, 16th; Seikh Mustakin 43rd) beat Banki Athletic Association 3-0.
PHOTO: Players of Rohit Football Academy celebrate their triumph in Cuttack on January 7, 2015.