Fide Master Rakesh Kumar Jena of Jajpur won the title in the All-Odisha Open Chess Tournament, which concluded at Hotel Rumani here today. He scored eight points in the nine-round tournament to pocket the top prize of Rs 8,000.
Ashirwad Swain of Nayagarh and Baivab Mishra of Puri finished second and third with 7.5 points each. Runner-up Swain received Rs 5,000. As many as 152 players from 14 districts joined the three-day tournament, which carried a total prize fund of Rs 5 lakh.
Puri MLA Maheswar Mohanty gave away the prizes at the closing function. Host District Chess Association of Puri secretary Subash Chandra Sahoo and All Odisha Chess Association joint-secretary Manoj Kumar Panigrahi were present on the occasion.
FINAL STANDINGS (Top 10): 1. Rakesh Kumar Jena (8), 2-5: Ashirwad Swain, Baivab Mishra, Rajesh Nayak, Rabindra Kumar Ojha (each 7.5), 6-8: Subhasis Barik, Rajat Kumar Sahoo, Sankalp Baliarsingh (each 7), 9-10: Smaraki Mohanty, Rajendra Kumar Sahu (each 6.5).
PHOTO: Prize winners of the All-Odisha Open Chess Tournament in Puri on Nov 16, 2014.