Odisha Panchayati Raj Minister Arun Kumar Sahoo along with former ministers Debasish Nayak, Samir Dey and Padmanav Behera handed over the trophies at the closing function. Tata Steel`s Chief Resident Executive Manikanta Naik, Angul-Sukinda Railway Project Managing Director Dilip Kumar Samantray, Unit-VI Athletic Association president Tapan Kumar Mohanty, vice-presidents Akshay Kumar Das, Prafulla Mishra and secretary Dilip Das were present in the function.
As many as 23 veteran football players were felicitated on the occasion. They were: Giridharilal Nayak, Manmath Singh, Aga Zaheer, Manas Samal, Mohammad Saheed Jabbar, Pravat Kumar Mohapatra, Dilip Saho, Sukanta Duttaray, Khirod Parija, Gopal Das, Nirod Swain, P K Baliarsingh, Madhusudan Das, Pradyumna Baliarsingh, Ashok Routray, Anant Kobra, Amarendra Sahoo, Paresh Mohanty, Bilash Chandra Behera, Pradeep Das, Brajendra Mishra, Susanta Behera and Taizul Hoda.
Unit-VI Athletic Association organized the tournament in collaboration with Department of Sports & Youth Services, Govt of Odisha. The tournament, featuring 10 teams, was inaugurated by Odisha Sports Minister Sudam Marndi. Former minister Padmanav Behera on November 19.
RESULTS: November 19: Match No 1: Odisha United Football Club, Cuttack (Anil Samal, Kishore Das, Bikash Kumar Sahoo, Bigheneswar Bhoi, Samar Das) beat Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences, Bhubaneswar (Sunil Murmu, Bhagabat Hansdah, Deepak Bardo, Ananta Murmu) 5-4 in tie-breaker. (Full time 0-0). November 20: Match No 2: Phulbani Sports Hostel (Manjit Kisan 51st) beat Nayagarh Sports Hostel (Sanju Kerketta 54th) 4-3 in penalty shoot out (Full time 1-1). Match No 3: Bhubaneswar Combined (Dhyanendra Bhanjadeo 46th, 51st, 56th) beat Bolangir Sports Hostel 3-0. Match No 4: SAI Training Centre, HAL (Sunabeda) beat Sambalpur Football Academy 4-2, via tie-breaker (Full time 0-0). November 21: Match No 5: Odisha United Football Club, Cuttack (Akash Das 49th) Keonjhar Sports Hostel 1-0. Match No 6: Sundargarh Sports Hostel (Arun Majhi 5th) beat Phulbani Sports Hostel (Jitu Hembrum 53rd) 4-1 in tie-breaker (Full time 1-1). November 22: Match No 7 (SF): Odisha United Football Club (Akash Das 21st) beat SAI Centre, HAL (Bikram Mahananda 19th) 4-2 in tie-breaker. (Full time 1-1). Match No 8 (SF): Sundargarh Sports Hostel (Prasant Oram 10th, Sanjib Oram 25th, Binay Toppo 32nd, Arun Majhi 46th) beat Bhubaneswar Combined (Bikash Naik 46th) 4-1. November 23: Match No 9 (Final): Odisha United Football Club (Anil Samal, Rakesh Sahoo, Samar Das, Iswar Chandra Das) beat Sundargarh Sports Hostel (Ramesh Malla, Prasant Oram) 4-2 in tie-breaker. (Full time 0-0). --------------------------------------------------------------- PHOTOS --------------------------------------------------------------- TOP: Champions OUFC boys lift Biju Patnaik Gold Cup in Bhubaneswar on Nov 23, 2014. RIGHT: Runners-up Sundargarh Sports Hostel with their trophy in Bhubaneswar on Nov 23, 2014.